APG-FLEX : Code APG-FLEX : Demo APG-FLEX : Snippets APG-FLEX sur Github

An extremely simple CSS responsive Flex Layout Framework of only 831 Bytes minified to accelerate web developpment.

Check the Demo!

Get the CSS code of APG-FLEX! or Get it on GITHUB


©Philippe Gouillou |


  • v.2.1 (17 february 2020): Optimisation (831 Bytes)
  • v.2.0 (11 february 2020): Addition of "invert collapse" (831 Bytes)
  • v.1.1 (1 february 2020): Addition of .acolfinal (662 Bytes)
  • v.1.0 (2 november 2019): First public version (637 Bytes)


/* APG-FLEX : v 2.1 (2020-02-17) - ©Philippe Gouillou ( - LGPL 3 */

.acontainer		{display:block;max-width:1170px;margin:0 auto!important}
.acolfinal		{padding:.5rem}

.arow 			{display:flex;margin:0;padding:0}

.browxl 		{display:flex}

@media(min-width:576px) 	{.arowsm{display:flex}.browsm{display:block}}
@media(min-width:768px) 	{.arowmd{display:flex}.browmd{display:block}}
@media(min-width:992px) 	{.arowlg{display:flex}.browlg{display:block}}
@media(min-width:1200px)	{.arowxl{display:flex}.browxl{display:block}}

.browxl>div	    {flex:1}

.flex2 			{flex:2!important}
.flex3 			{flex:3!important}
.flex4 			{flex:4!important}
.flex5 			{flex:5!important}
.flex6 			{flex:6!important}
.flex7 			{flex:7!important}
.flex8 			{flex:8!important}
.flex9 			{flex:9!important}
.flex10 		{flex:10!important}
.flex11 		{flex:11!important}
.flex12 		{flex:12!important}

Minified Code (831 Bytes)

.acontainer{display:block;max-width:1170px;margin:0 auto!important}.acolfinal{padding:.5rem}.arow{display:flex;margin:0;padding:0}.browlg,.browmd,.browsm,.browxl{display:flex}@media(min-width:576px){.arowsm{display:flex}.browsm{display:block}}@media(min-width:768px){.arowmd{display:flex}.browmd{display:block}}@media(min-width:992px){.arowlg{display:flex}.browlg{display:block}}@media(min-width:1200px){.arowxl{display:flex}.browxl{display:block}}.arow>div,.arowlg>div,.arowmd>div,.arowsm>div,.arowxl>div,.browlg>div,.browmd>div,.browsm>div,.browxl>div{flex:1}.flex2{flex:2!important}.flex3{flex:3!important}.flex4{flex:4!important}.flex5{flex:5!important}.flex6{flex:6!important}.flex7{flex:7!important}.flex8{flex:8!important}.flex9{flex:9!important}.flex10{flex:10!important}.flex11{flex:11!important}.flex12{flex:12!important}


  1. Just copy/paste the code above somewhere in your CSS file
  2. Create your HTML Layout according the following rules

Rem: The names of the CSS classes have been choosen to allow a perfect compatibility with Bootstrap (you can mix them).

How to use

Beware: it works the opposite of Bootstrap: you define the collapse in the row, NOT in the column!

APG-FLEX offers both the usual collapsing effect and an inverted one: you can chose if you want the collapse to happen under or above the treshold.

  1. Collapse and Invert Collapse:
    1. COLLAPSE: For each row: indicate at which limit you want the columns to collapse. A row is created by a div with one of the followings classes (example : <div class="arowsm">) :
      • arow : never collapses
      • arowsm: collapses under 576px
      • arowmd: collapses under 768px
      • arowlg: collapses under 992px
      • arowxl: collapses under 1200px
    2. INVERT COLLAPSE: For each row: indicate at which limit you want the columns to expand. A row is created by a div with one of the followings classes (example : <div class="browsm">) :
      • browsm: collapses over 576px
      • browmd: collapses over 768px
      • browlg: collapses over 992px
      • browxl: collapses over 1200px
  2. Inside the row, add one <div> per column (as much as you want: they will be evenly distributed)

  3. If needed, add to the column div one of the classes flex2 to flex12 to define its respective size (default = flex1; example: <div class="flex2">)

  4. The class acolfinal add padding: .5rem which is useful for the column containing the content


  1. For Container (max-width: 1070px and centered), add the class "acontainer" to a row (ex: <div class="arow acontainer">)

  2. A div is considered as a Flex Column if and only if it is directly under a arowXX. You can change this behavior by using style (<div style="display: block;">):
    • arow : row
      • div : displayed as Flex (column)
        • div : displayed as Block (default behavior)
      • div : displayed as Flex (column)
      • div style=block : displayed as Block
  3. For nesting, just remember that a column must exist in each row (see example below)

  4. Sizes are respective! (see example below)

  5. flex2...flex12 are optional: suppress or modify them as needed

Simple Example

See the Demo

4 columns, the second one twice the size of the others (so a total size of 5) and containing 4 nested columns:

	<div class="arowsm">            <!-- Row collapsing at 576px -->
	    <div>flex: 1</div>          <!-- Column size 1/5 of the full width -->
	    <div class="flex2">         <!-- Column size 2/5 of the full width -->
	        <div class="arowlg">    <!-- Nested row collapsing at 992px-->
	            <div>flex: 1</div>  <!-- Column size 1/4 of 2/5 = 1/10 of the full width -->
	            <div>               <!-- Column size 1/4 of 2/5 = 1/10 of the full width -->
	                <div>B</div>    <!-- Block (not a column!) -->
	            <div>flex: 1</div>  <!-- Column size 1/4 of 2/5 = 1/10 of the full width -->
	            <div>flex: 1</div>  <!-- Column size 1/4 of 2/5 = 1/10 of the full width -->
	    <div>flex: 1</div>          <!-- Column size 1/5 of the full width -->
	    <div>flex: 1</div>          <!-- Column size 1/5 of the full width -->